In addition to orthopedic and Schroth therapy, Dr. Bawa treats a wide variety of spinal conditions. The human spine encapsulates our spinal cord. The spine consists of bones, joints, and ligaments, and is surrounded by muscles. The spinal cord is an integral part of connecting our movements and feelings in the extremities to the brain
Goals of Spine Physical Therapy:
- Strengthen spinal muscles to reduce stress placed on spinal discs
- Improve mobility and posture
- Minimize pain
- Engage deep spinal muscles for stabilization
- Reduce risk of spine surgery
Spine conditions we treat include:
- Low back pain
- Spondylolisthesiss
- Stenosis
- Radiculopathies
- Facet joint syndrome
- Disc related issues
- Degenerative disc disease
- Ankylosis Spondylitis
- Cervicogenic headaches
- Neck pain
- Post surgical spinal conditions